Indonesia is a big country which has thousands islands inside its border, supported by quantity of Indonesia human resources and natural resources, there's no doubt to achieve ' Tiger of Asia' in next several decades again. Optimistic to bring Indonesia be a remarkable Indonesia ( Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board's slogan) isn't grandiose dream. Indonesia can achieve that success, but before to achieve that target they have to improve and commit to make Good Governance inside Indonesian Government.
Bring Indonesia to be a Remarkable Indonesia isn't a pretty straight forward job, people have to understand their Indonesia position and condition right now. The Fund for Peace organization released Failed State Index 2010. In that index Indonesia achieved rank 61 from 177 countries which is Indonesia in Warning zone of Fail state. Indonesia is worse than China ( 62 ), Thailand (81), Vietnam (95), Malaysia ( 110 ), and Brunei (117) , I don't want compare with Singapore it's too far for us. Singapore isn't in Warning Zone, they are in Moderate Zone. But the good news Indonesia is better than Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, and East Timor.
Based on that index, we can assume Indonesian government's seriousness in a poor situation compare to regional ( ASEAN ) condition. Indonesian people can't let these problems are growing up, and becoming worse. Indonesian people have to wake up and do anythings and can improve their Government. Every great country start from Good Governance. Simple way to start it, is opening way for everybody and every race of Indonesian Citizen to participate in political world. We must realize that every races ( Java, Ambon, Papua, Chinese, Batak, Sulawesi, etc ) have own local genius, if we can combine it, we can achieve it. Seriousness of government will bring Indonesia to be a better Indonesia, REMARKABLE INDONESIA.
One thing that I want to add before I close my little opinion about Indonesia is, before we can achieve Remarkable Indonesia we must do Good Governance as soon as possible. Foundation before we do Good Governance is Integrity. Be a people who has integrity in life.
Thank You.