Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

Perth City

Kota Perth yang merupakan ibu kota dari Western Australia memiliki tata kelola kota yang cukup bagus. Kualitas tata kota yang tepat terlihat dari sedikit penumpukan kendaraan dan transportasi umum yang memadai walau harganya bila dikurskan ke IDR akan menjadi mahal sekali..

Kota ini merupakan tujuan pertama gue dengan liburan bersama keluarga gue, tiba dari Bali sekitar pukul 04.00 dan pergi ke penginapan di 36 MOUNT STREET( Mountway Holiday Apartments, near from Kings Park) sekitar pukul 06.00, berhubung Kota Perth baru memulai aktifitas penuh diatas pukul 08.00 maka keluarga gue gagal buat check in, so we had to take a walk to Perth CBD. 

Perth merupakan kota yang sepi, jujur menurut gw masih lebih ramai BSD tempat gw kuliah, dan jalanannya kosong melompong sama seperti dari kosan gw ke SGU. Destinasi wisata Kota Perth dapat dibilang minim dan kurang menarik, tapi ada beberapa lokasi yang berhasil gw dan keluarga gw kunjungi di Perth City, yaitu :
  • Swan River
  • Perth Shopping Area ( Murray Street and Hay Street)
  • Perth CBD ( There are 2 churches on Perth CBD , I forgot the name)
Setelah bosan dengan Perth yang sepi, dan penduduknya yang tidak giat mencari uang( toko jam 5 aja udh pada tutup) so, kita memutuskan untuk pergi ke MANDURAH terletak sekitar 60km dari Perth, dan bisa dijangkau menggukana TransPerth Rail seharga AUD 9.8 per orang dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 20-30menit.

Mandurah dapat dibilang Ancolnya Perth, di mana ada pantai dan tempat kapal kapal pesiar kecil berlabuh. Mandurah juga merupakan tempat yang dibilang ok untuk bersantai2 dan duduk.

After I told you about Perth condition, it's not fair If I don't tell you about Food in Perth. 

Jujur saja, selama di Perth bisa dibilang gw baru makan diluar sekitar 3-4 kali, sisanya kami pergi ke Asian Mini Market dan membeli bahan makanan yang bisa kami masak di Apartment. Memang makanan di Australia mahal dan besar, dan hampir seluruhnya junk food! Lagi pula kita gak bisa bawa makanan macam2 untuk masuk ke Australia pasalnya itu dilarang! 

So that's my story about Perth, after I've enough time to store the image to computer, I promise I will share it on my blog!!

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

Planning, Targeting, Controlling

Personally, I think every people should manage their budget by themselves. We must have a plan for future about financial matters. Usually parents ask their children to think about their future; think about their dream job, but it’s very rare to ask them to think about manage their money. 

My parents taught me to maintain my money by myself since Junior High School. I got Rp50,000 per week and it’s enough for me. When I was in Primary School or Kindergarten; I just saved my money in celengan, and at the end of year or Imlek, I collected all the money , and give it to my parents to put in my bank account. That’s condition showed me that I’ve reached and understand to maintain my money.

After I graduated from Junior High School, my parents asked me to control my budget by myself every month, so my parents transferred Rp500,000 per month, and it’s really enough for me, and I could save it. I had a plan when I graduated from Senior High I have some money, I forgot how much my target was. After 3 years in Gonzaga , I learned to Controlling and Targeting my bank account, and it’s very successful, I met my saving target. 

Long Holiday that I experienced really made me frustrated and brought me to a phase that I must have a expenditure planning, to reach my target after 4 years. So, I decided to sit in front of my computer and work on it with my excel, I made 2 version of planning, and on august 2010 I tried it, and it’s success.
The problem that I meet every semester is half-month entry( condition that I study only for 15 days or 20 days ). I can’t reach minimum savings per month in that condition, so I’m thinking about it to prevent that condition.

So, That’s my experience about organize and manage money by myself. I just wanna share about it, because I don’t know what I have to type on my blog.  

Samstag, 18. Juni 2011

Move on

Finally, I decide to back off from you. Waiting for a girl is useless when the girl can't respect you anymore.
Perhaps you think that I'm too rigid(kaku), but it's not about rigid or not, It's about my principle, and you couldn't explain to me your real condition, I know we had miscommunication about it but I can't.

To understand woman isn't an easy job to do, I have been single for along time so it really affect me. Even though I can't understand woman at all, I will still learn about it. :)

so,let me start a new page of my life.

Now I have a plan to focus on my study. I really wanna go to Europe to continue my Master Degree especially on Finance Study. Oh ya now I'm searching for internship at 3rd semester hopefully I can find a fit one.

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011


bertahan atau mundur?

saya tak tahu..

saya punya banyak pengalaman untuk bertahan, dan itu menyakitkan dan akhirnya mundur juga...

dan saya memilih bertahan, dengan segala resikonya.

akan menyakitkan? ya. tapi jalanilah :)

#29 April 2011