Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

Sumpah Pemuda

Today is 28th October, 82 years ago young people come from around Indonesia  come to one place, and make 3 oath, and we called this oaths as Sumpah Pemuda. I will type it again in Indonesian, just want remembering you about this.

Sumpah Pemuda
1. Kami Putera dan Puteri Indonesia mengaku bertanah air satu, Tanah Air Indonesia
2. Kami Putera dan Puteri Indonesia mengaku berbangsa satu Bangsa Indonesia.
3. Kami Putera dan Puteri Indonesia menjunjung bahasa persatuan , Bahasa Indonesia.

Sumpah Pemuda is very memorable moment in my mind, when I was studying in Primary School, Sumpah Pemuda ceremony is the first time for me to be active in ceremonial ( petugas upacara ). I read  Sumpah Pemuda text in front of my friends. That's very amazing moment, I really like it. Year by year I realize what I read when I was kid is my future responsibility as young generation of Indonesia.

We are teenager from all province in Indonesia have to realize and do that oath. I want to ask to myself and all of you who read my blog and feel still young people.

What have you contributed to Indonesia until today ? ...

For me, I haven't contributed anything to my beloved country. I love Indonesia even I'm chinese but I love Indonesia. I haven't done anything for Indonesia. I haven't done a big / massive effect for Indonesia, but I've done many small things.  I think if we want contribute ourselves to our beloved country, we have many simple ways everyday to contribute . What are that ? I tell what I've done, and my big hopes are you can do that too.

1. I write many topic about Indonesia in my blog ( but I realize many private business I've told in my blog ). I share what I feel and think to all of you in my blog about Indonesia. I just want make all of you can realize that we have responsible, I'm raising your awareness about Indonesia, because I can't improve Indonesia by myself, I need all of you ( minimum my blog readers )

2. I do what I believe that is true, and my parameter is ethics and norms. Just do simple things like be honest, polite on the road, and etc. But the most important thing is Honesty. Honesty is a thing that we have to work hard to find that. If we be honest to my friend and all people around us, I believe that corruption can be eliminate step by step.

Ok, I think that's enough, I realize what I write doesn't good at all, because now I live in BSD and my university life is busy, so I don't have many time to think about Indonesia, but I always try to know what happens in Jakarta, in Indonesia, in the world.

Let's Pray for Indonesia, and work for our beloved country, INDONESIA !