Personally, I think every people should manage their budget by themselves. We must have a plan for future about financial matters. Usually parents ask their children to think about their future; think about their dream job, but it’s very rare to ask them to think about manage their money.
My parents taught me to maintain my money by myself since Junior High School. I got Rp50,000 per week and it’s enough for me. When I was in Primary School or Kindergarten; I just saved my money in celengan, and at the end of year or Imlek, I collected all the money , and give it to my parents to put in my bank account. That’s condition showed me that I’ve reached and understand to maintain my money.
After I graduated from Junior High School, my parents asked me to control my budget by myself every month, so my parents transferred Rp500,000 per month, and it’s really enough for me, and I could save it. I had a plan when I graduated from Senior High I have some money, I forgot how much my target was. After 3 years in Gonzaga , I learned to Controlling and Targeting my bank account, and it’s very successful, I met my saving target.
Long Holiday that I experienced really made me frustrated and brought me to a phase that I must have a expenditure planning, to reach my target after 4 years. So, I decided to sit in front of my computer and work on it with my excel, I made 2 version of planning, and on august 2010 I tried it, and it’s success.
The problem that I meet every semester is half-month entry( condition that I study only for 15 days or 20 days ). I can’t reach minimum savings per month in that condition, so I’m thinking about it to prevent that condition.
So, That’s my experience about organize and manage money by myself. I just wanna share about it, because I don’t know what I have to type on my blog.